Event date and time:
Friday 24 May 2024, 10:00 am to 12:30 pm
Event information:
With You drug and alcohol service will be attending the Life Rooms to provide informal advice and information to those who require support from their drug and alcohol use.
We recognise that drug and alcohol can impact everyone and therefore we want to make ourselves as accessible as possible to reach those who need our help and support.
We have teamed up with 'With You' , who will deliver a drop in advice and information clinic every fortnight on a Friday between 10am-12:30pm for those who require advice and information around drug and alcohol use including signposting and specialist referrals. In the afternoon we will be operating an appointment clinic to deliver one to one interventions to those in treatment and residing in the locality of The Life Rooms allowing us to bring the service to you and reduce the stigma associated with attending a ‘drug service’.
If you would like to know more please contact Alyson Lamb via telephone on 0151 546 1141 or via email alyson.lamb@wearewithyou.org.uk
Event categories:
- Mental health,
- Physical health