Aims of the commission

The Life Rooms in collaboration with Public Health Liverpool developed a pilot for a community based mental health prevention offer to support individuals and communities post the COVID-19 pandemic, which was predicted to cause a significantly negative impact on the mental health of our communities. Part of this pilot featured a Micro-Commissioning Programme aimed at mid to large sized voluntary, charitable, social enterprise (VCSE) organisations to encourage them to develop activities, initiatives, and partnerships across communities to support the health and wellbeing needs of Liverpool residents. Commissioned agencies were encouraged to develop meaningful collaborations with grass roots VCSE organisations to ensure that robust and varied support was offered in communities where they live.

The commissioned activity focused on the following five priority areas:

  1. Parental mental health/wellbeing and resilience of families with children
  2. Social isolation/improved relationships (older adults and other vulnerable groups)
  3. Employability linked to direct pandemic impacts (e.g. furlough, business closures, health impacts preventing work)
  4. Physical activity to enhance mental health
  5. Marginalised groups

Working with the VCSE sector

The role of the VCSE sector is integral to the work of The Life Rooms, particularly our social prescribing offer, due to their deep understanding of their community’s needs, their accessibility and reach across community settings as well as their agility in responding to those needs in a way that is appropriate for their communities.

In the context of the current economic climate the provision of commissioning opportunities is essential to keep this sector afloat and ensure it has the resources to deliver vital services to the community. Our Micro-Commissioning Programme has built much needed resilience into the sector and continues to support organisations to grow, network, and connect with one-another.

"We are so lucky to have such a diverse and vibrant voluntary sector in our City. The sector played a vital role in supporting our communities during the pandemic. As we work towards recovery, we are proud to have commissioned such an inspirational range of VCFSE organisations so as to support the health and wellbeing of our communities. One of the greatest achievements of this particular initiative has been the strong collaboration between NHS and voluntary sector organisations. By thinking and working creatively, we’ve supported the City’s recovery from the pandemic but perhaps even more importantly we have modelled how our future health system needs to be designed so as to co-create health with and for the communities we serve." - Michael Crilly, Director of Social Inclusion and Participation.

Outcomes of the commission

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  • 7,254 contacts were made between beneficiaries and organisations across the entire project,
  • 99% of service users surveyed felt happy with the support given,
  • 54 grassroots partner organisations were involved in delivering activity,
  • 100% of the commissioned organisations felt very satisfied with The Life Rooms as a commissioner.

Read the full evaluation to find out more about our micro-commissioning programme and the outcomes for communities.

In each of the tabs below you'll find some fantastic activity and outcomes delivered by the nine commissioned VCSE organisations:

Since its conception in 1928, Age Concern Liverpool and Sefton’s (ACLS) mission has been to protect and promote the wellbeing of people over 50 in the area. Age Concern support older people through a range of friendship and reablement services and an activity programme designed to keep people connected, healthy, and active.

Commissioned activity: The Prevention Through Community project was designed to address social isolation and physical activity in mental health by creating opportunities and increasing connectivity for older adults through a four-pillar approach comprising: promotion and outreach, assessment, one to one support, and empowerment.



  • 1,769 sessions and events were held during the project,
  • 100% of service users experienced an improvement in their wellbeing,
  • 289 service users were supported across the Prevention Through Community project,
  • 99% of service users surveyed experienced a positive effect on social and practical needs.

Read the full evaluation to find out more about Age Concern's activities and outcomes.

Citizens Advice Liverpool is Liverpool’s leading provider of advice and advocacy services, providing free, impartial advice to people who live in the city.

Commissioned activity: Advising Marginalised Communities (AMC) is a partnership between Citizens Advice Liverpool (CAL), Irish Community Care (ICC), and Granby Toxteth Development Trust (GTDT) which aims to improve the understanding of the needs of marginalised communities and use that knowledge to develop and deliver an advice service that is more culturally aware, considerate, and responsive.

AMC offered an advice service to marginalised groups delivered at outreach locations at the heart of the community. Priority was given to members of Travelling communities, Roma, LGBTQ+, refugees/asylum seekers, homeless, care leavers, and those estranged from family networks.



  • 382 sessions and events were held during the project,
  • 100% of service users surveyed were happy with the support given,
  • 366 one to one sessions were held with service users,
  • 156 service users from marginalised communties were supported,
  • 97% of service users surveyed felt better about themselves or their situation.

Read the full evaluation to find out more about Citizens Advice Liverpool's activities and outcomes.

FareShare Merseyside is part of the UK’s national network of charitable food redistributors. FareShare Merseyside redistributes surplus food to over 219 charities and community groups working with vulnerable people across Merseyside.

Commissioned activity: FareShare Merseyside developed the Food Insecurity and Isolation Project which aimed to increase access to good quality, nutritious food across Liverpool and Sefton and by doing so address some of the priority areas highlighted by the commission.

Acknowledging the link between hunger and mental health, and with awareness of the current cost of living crisis, FareShare aimed to reduce the parental stress and anxiety caused by food insecurity, and also to connect vulnerable individuals with food services and activities within their communities, reducing isolation.



  • 169,000 meals distributed as a result of the commission,
  • 70.9 tonnes of good food distributed as a result of the commission,
  • 95% of service users surveyed experienced reduced feelings of isolation,
  • 30 new grassroots charity and community organisations now receive FareShare food through the commission.

Read the full evaluation to find out more about FareShare Merseyside's activities and outcomes.

Imagine Independence is a charity providing person-centred support for people with care and support needs, their activities include providing social inclusion and peer-led services, supported living, and specialist services.

Commissioned activity: The You Can Do It project focused on improving the physical health of people with poor mental health living in three deprived wards in the city. Imagine Independence delivered the project alongside Mary Seacole House, a multi-cultural mental health charity and resource for people from primarily BAMER (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic, and Refugee) communities who live with mental health issues and who also experience racism or discrimination in their day to day lives.


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  • 230 service users received support during the 'You Can Do It programme,
  • 47 family unites took part in the 'You Can Do It' programme,
  • 100% of service users surveyed were happy with the support provided,
  • 434 sessions and events were held by Imagine Independence throughout the commission.

Read the full evaluation to find out more about Imagine Independence's activities and outcomes.

Merseyside Society for Deaf People (MSDP) was established in 1997 and exists to improve the lives and life chances of all d/Deaf, deaf-blind, and hard of hearing people across Merseyside.

Commissioned activity: MSDP partnered with Deaf Active to introduce Fit and Well, a health and wellbeing programme in Liverpool specifically supporting the deaf and deaf-blind community, who have been subject to high levels of social exclusion. The programme incorporated a range of activities including one-to-one and group deaf-led fitness activities.



  • 2,707 sessions and events were held during the project,
  • 434 personal training sessions were delivered with fully inclusive language support,
  • 53 home visits took place to socially isolated Deaf people,
  • 100% of service users would recommend the service to a family member or friend.

Read the full evaluation to find out more about Merseyside Society for Deaf People's activities and outcomes.

The Brain Charity was established in Liverpool in 1993 and provides practical help, emotional support, and social activities to anyone living with a neurological condition, their family, friends, and carers.

Commissioned activity: The Value of You project delivered confidence coaching for people with neurological conditions on both an individual and group basis.


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  • 245 service users were supported across 'The Value of You' project,
  • 358 sessions and events were held throughout the project,
  • 100% of service users surveyed experienced a positive effect on their confidence/resilience,
  • 93% of service users surveyed experienced a positive effect on their physical health.

Read the full evaluation to find out more about The Brain Charity's activities and outcomes.

Torus Foundation is the charitable arm of Torus Group, the largest North West social housing provider. The Foundation works with communities and key partners to deliver a varied programme of support for Torus tenants, residents, and many living in the wider community.

Commissioned activity: The Look aHEAD project focused on parental mental health and wellbeing, and resilience of families and children in Liverpool. Working in partnership with Interface Enterprises and in collaboration with grassroots VCSE organisations, Torus identified parents for a one-day training course in youth mental health first aid, alongside regular coffee mornings.



  • 303 parents and carers received training in youth mental health first aid,
  • 177 coffee mornings were offered to parents and carers to share experiences and build resilience,
  • 22 facilitators from 11 community organisations were trained in youth mental health first aid and group facilitatio n to deliver ongoing support to their communities,
  • 98% of service users surveyed experienced a positive effect on their mental wellbeing,
  • 100% of service users surveyed felt valued and respected by staff members.

Read the full evaluation to find out more about Torus Foundation's activities and outcomes.

Transforming Lives Company (TLC) uses a person-centred approach to provide support around employment and mental wellbeing.

Commissioned activity: The GiveGetGo project focused on supporting unemployed individuals who want to work, but do not know how to make it happen, through 10 weeks of coaching, volunteering, and workshops.

The Workology programme was designed to support those already in employment but struggling with issues such as the cost-of-living crisis, housing problems, and job insecurity. The programme provided five weeks of support encompassing coaching and benefit/budget checks.


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  • 50% of GiveGetGo service uers progressed from unemployment to work-related activities,
  • 634 sessions and events were held throughout the commission,
  • 106 service users were supported by Transform Lives Company,
  • 95% of service users surveyed felt better about themselves/their situation.

Read the full evaluation to find out more about Transform Lives Company's activities and outcomes.

The City of Liverpool Young Men’s Christian Association – now known as YMCA Together has been serving communities in need across Merseyside for 175 years.

Commissioned activity: YMCA delivered a programme to engage one of societies most marginalised and socially isolated groups, the homeless community, in a range of activities to improve their mental and physical health in a supportive, nurturing environment. The Dutch Farm facility was used to create the Good Day Programme, which offered a 4-week programme of activity including sessions in horticulture and animal care, healthy eating, and mental and physical wellbeing activities.



  • 138 service users from the homeless community were supported across the project,
  • 100% of service users surveyed experienced an improvement in their wellbeing as measured by the WMWBS scale, particularly in the areas relating to 'feeling loved',
  • 80 sessions and events were held throughout the project,
  • 97% of service users surveyed felt valued and respected by staff.

Read the full evaluation to find out more about YMCA Together's activities and outcomes.