Walton Library has been relaunched as a public lending library, sitting alongside health and wellbeing services delivered by The Life Rooms.

Library visitors will also be able to access a range of services at The Life Rooms:

  • Free Learning courses to help people understand and manage mental health conditions like anxiety and depression, courses to help improve confidence and self-esteem, and courses accredited by the Royal Society of Public Health to help people with their long-term health and wellbeing,
  • Free Pathways Advice service to support with practical needs like food and energy vouchers, finding social activities and support networks, advice on benefits and carer’s assessments, and more.
  • A suite of computers and printing facilities which can be accessed for free, and courses in Basic IT,
  • A café on site, with affordable hot food and drinks.

Visit the Liverpool City Council website to register for a library card. On your first visit to the library, your card will be activated and you'll receive your unique PIN so that you can use library computers, access your online library account and sign in to the Read Liverpool e-Library catalogue.

You can visit any Liverpool library with proof of your name and address to join in person. You can then start borrowing immediately.

Visit us at:

The Life Rooms Walton
Evered Avenue, L9 2AF

Contact your library to let them know you've lost your card.  Staff will add a note to your account and issue a new card on your next visit - remember to bring a form of ID with you.  The first replacement card is free then 50p for additional replacements.