Event date and time:
Tuesday 5 December 2023, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Event information:
Meditation Practice
Many of us are told to meditate, but not many of us are told how to meditate. Meditation teaches us to strengthen awareness of your mind and its activity.
On this course you learn to:
- Observe your thoughts through mindfulness – we will have a module on mindfulness as part of this course
- Use the character strength of curiosity to identify the thoughts that dominate your mind
- Use a meditation practice that you most resonate with (we introduce you to 3)
- With consistent practice, you will turn the autopilot mode off
A Mindful Life
- Life gets busy and we wander in and out of our days on autopilot. A Mindful Life encourages a few practices, so on this module you will learn about:
- Present-moment Awareness
- Savouring
- Awe
- Gratitude
Mindful Meditation
Now that we have learned about meditation practice and mindfulness, we combine our learning to explore mindful meditation. Mindful meditation is a specific meditation practice where we focus on awareness, curiosity, free from judgement or interpretations. Some features could be:
- Breathing techniques
- Guided imagery
Please call us on 0151 330 6461 or visit us at The Life Rooms, St Winefride’s Campus, Merton Road, Bootle, L20 7AP to register to attend a session.
If you are unable to attend a session or appointment at The Life Rooms, please do let us know. We have a waiting list of people who can fill your space.