Welcome to our learning timetable for our Lee Valley site. 

Lee Valley Millennium Centre, Childwall Valley Road, Liverpool, L25 2PR

Below you will find a calendar view of this month's learning opportunities.

To find out more about a course, please click on the session and a short description will pop up. 

To book onto a course, please email liferooms.learning@merseycare.nhs.uk with the name, date and time of the session you'd like to attend and one of our Learning Facilitators will confirm your booking. 

If you would prefer to view the timetable in a list format please click the 'Lee Valley timetable - list view' button below. 

Click the 'Download timetable' button below, should you wish to have a downloaded version.

Calendar key

  • Knowledge Session: Colour - rgb(0, 102, 69)
  • Confidence Session: Colour - rgb(238, 30, 165)
  • Skills Session: Colour - rgb(2, 158, 223)