Our Pathways Advisors can help with all sorts of practical or social issues that may be affecting your patient, relative or friend. We use a social prescribing model where we spend time getting to know you before signposting to appropriate Mersey Care or partner services.
Here are just some of the areas we can help with:
- Mental Wellbeing
- Physical Wellbeing
- Family/Caring Roles
- Social Interactions
- Vocational Training
- Employment
- Benefits/Money
- Housing
- Life Rooms Learning
- Volunteering
Please note - we cannot support with anything that requires a medical or clinical solution.
You can refer someone else on their behalf by completing our referal forms
- Liverpool - Referal form for people living in Liverpool
- Sefton - Referal form for people living in Sefton and all other Merseyside areas
- Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington, contact:
The Life Rooms Halton liferoomshalton@merseycare.nhs.uk
The Life Rooms Knowsley liferoomsknowsley@merseycare.nhs.uk
The Life Rooms St Helens liferoomssthelens@merseycare.nhs.uk
The Life Rooms Warrington liferoomswarrington@merseycare.nhs.uk
To find out more about the service or speak to a Pathways Advisor, send an e-mail to pathways.advisor@merseycare.nhs.uk, call us on 0151 478 6556 for Liverpool or 01704 383 198 for Sefton.